How to Stay Strong During Tough Times

Mindset Insights Blog - How to Stay Strong During Tough Times

How to Stay Strong During Tough Times

We all experience hardship. Even the person with the most stress-free and fulfilling life will experience significant personal and professional setbacks. Sometimes, it seems as if you can't catch a break no matter how hard you try.

Staying positive is essential in times like these. Negative emotions can spiral out of control if you let them, making a bad situation worse. Don't let that happen.

Here are five practical strategies to help you navigate life's challenges and bounce back stronger.

Create a Positivity Gameplan

They say prevention is the best medicine. If preventing hardship is preferred to experiencing it, preparation is the second-best approach.

Draw up a plan of action for responding to life's difficulties. Prepare your response to setbacks before you must deal with them.

Think of your positivity game plan as an emergency kit for your emotions. Include activities that lift your spirits, such as listening to uplifting music, exercising, or spending time with loved ones. For example, if you know that walking in nature calms you, prioritise doing so during stressful times. Additionally, identify key people in your support network who you can turn to for advice or a listening ear.

Action Step: Write down your positivity game plan, listing the activities and people that help you stay positive. Keep it accessible so you can refer to it during tough times.

Clear Physical and Digital Clutter

Clutter wipes you out emotionally. It consistently and silently wears away your senses and triggers the production of stress-related chemicals like cortisol. You experience stress and anxiety and might not realise all the extra "stuff" in your environment is causing it.

Clutter is anything in your space that doesn't need to be there. It doesn't provide value and fill a need.

Start by tackling one area at a time, such as your workspace, bedroom, or digital files. Ask yourself if each item or file serves a purpose or brings joy. If not, consider donating, recycling, or deleting it. A decluttered environment can lead to a clearer mind and reduced stress.

You will experience less stress, find it easier to focus and recover faster when you inevitably encounter hardship.

Action Step:

Set aside 15 minutes daily to declutter a specific area. Track your progress and note any changes in your stress levels.

Keep a Good Times Journal

Journaling is a proven stress reliever. It's much easier to get through tough times when stress is minimal. Remembering your wonderful experiences reminds you that this difficulty will pass, and you can create more great memories.

Keep a good times journal where you record positive life events. These can be big or small experiences. Refer to your journal frequently, especially when you are at an emotional low point because you are going through a rough patch.

Journal Prompt: Reflect on a recent positive experience. How did it make you feel? What elements made it special? How can you create more moments like this in the future?

Embrace Lifelong Learning

Resilience is the ability to return to normalcy quickly after experiencing hardship. The most resilient people are lifelong learners. They constantly embrace new knowledge and learn new skills.

Learning something new not only broadens your skill set but also builds confidence. Whether taking a cooking class, learning a new language, or reading a book on a new topic, embracing new experiences can be empowering and rejuvenating.

The more you experience and develop skills, the better prepared you are to get through difficult times.

Action Step: Identify one new skill or topic you're interested in. Set a goal to explore it within the next month, and track your progress.

Get Help

Don't be too proud to get help when you need it. You have people that care about you. Lean on them. Create a supportive network of friends, family members, colleagues, and mentors to help you process and recover from a bad experience.

Action Step: Identify at least three people you can turn to for support in your life. Reach out to them and discuss how you can mutually support each other during tough times.

Embrace Your Strength and Resilience

Navigating life's challenges can be tricky, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can emerge stronger and more resilient. Remember, resilience isn't about avoiding difficulties - it's about facing them head-on and learning from each experience. By creating a positivity game plan, decluttering your environment, keeping a good times journal, embracing lifelong learning, and reaching out for help, you're equipping yourself with the tools needed to stay strong during tough times.

To support you further on your journey, we offer a free set of self-coaching cards, "Resilience Recharge." These cards are designed to help you build resilience through practical exercises and insights. Each card explores a different aspect of resilience, from managing stress to maintaining a positive mindset.

Download the "Resilience Recharge" cards today and take the first step towards a more resilient and empowered you. With these tools, you can navigate life's ups and downs with confidence and strength. Remember, no matter what challenges come your way, you have the power to recover and thrive. Start your resilience journey now!


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